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1 researchok  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 5:43:56pm
#DrunkNateSilver goes to Africa, finds the butterfly, asks it not to flap its wings, prevents the hurricane.

#DrunkNateSilver launches his own economic recovery program: yells out next winning lottery numbers at area 7Eleven

I can't decide which of these is my favorite.

Damn math guys really know how to confuse you.

2 philosophus invidius  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 8:05:21pm

Nate Silver deserves a lot of praise, but his success is really due to the fact that the polls are actually very good already so that (1) simply averaging the polls would get you all calls correct except FL and (2) Nate's own adjustments gave a more accurate prediction than that only because the methodology of the polls were fundamentally sound and well executed.

3 Locker  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 8:08:24pm

His success is due to the fact that Drunk Nate Silver will yell out your projected dick size to within .01 of an inch in front of the ladies in the singles bar.

4 prairiefire  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 9:22:23pm

Drunk Nate Silver will tell you how long until your wife will file for divorce after she finds out about your "work wife" due to text levels alone.

5 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Fri, Nov 9, 2012 12:22:19am

DrunkNateSilver already knows who will win the 2016 election, and you probably don't even know who is going to run yet!


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